How's Your Karma?
You Have Good Karma |
![]() Your caring personality really shines through. Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out. But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots. |
You Have Good Karma |
![]() Your caring personality really shines through. Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out. But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots. |
Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence |
![]() Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments. You need for the world to make sense - and are good at making sense of it. You have a head for numbers and math ... and you can solve almost any logic puzzle. You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician. |
You Are In a Fantastic Mood |
![]() People are attracted to your energy right now. This is the time to go for it - you're likely to get what you want! |
You Scored 50% Correct |
![]() You'd never confuse Tiffany from Debbie And while you may not know Prince's first #1 hit You know every word to Little Red Corvette |
You Are As Cool As They Come |
(You are more dramatic than 20% of the population.) Rational and relaxed, no one could accuse you of being dramatic. You roll with the punches, and nothing ever gets you too worked up. You are able to maintain perspective and see the big picture. And even if you're emotional inside, you don't let it show. You're great at keeping it together, and you're rewarded for that. People see you as an ideal friend, employee, and partner. |
Your English Skills: |
Grammar: 100% |
Spelling: 100% |
Punctuation: 80% |
Vocabulary: 80% |
Your #1 Match: INFJ |
The Protector You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity. Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is. You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience. You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them. You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher. |
Your #2 Match: INFP |
The Idealist You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world. Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships. It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close. But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop. You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. |
Your #3 Match: INTJ |
The Scientist You have a head for ideas - and you are good at improving systems. Logical and strategic, you prefer for everything in your life to be organized. You tend to be a bit skeptical. You're both critical of yourself and of others. Independent and stubborn, you tend to only befriend those who are a lot like you. You would make an excellent scientist, engineer, or programmer. |
Your #4 Match: ENFJ |
The Giver You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed. Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections. Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down. You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine. You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist. |
Your #5 Match: INTP |
The Thinker You are analytical and logical - and on a quest to learn everything you can. Smart and complex, you always love a new intellectual challenge. Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat. A quiet maverick, you tend to ignore rules and authority whenever you feel like it. You would make an excellent mathematician, programmer, or professor. |
You Are Placid and Peaceful |
![]() It's just that you don't need them to be happy You're content with life as is... no need to change it Just make sure to let loose a little every now and then! |
You Are the Investigator |
You love learning and ideas... and know things no one else does. Bored by small talk, you refuse to participate in boring conversations. You are open minded. A visionary. You understand the world and may change it. |
You Are the Very Gay Peppermint Patty! |
![]() As well as a "best friend" who loves to call her "sir" |
Your Passion is Pink |
![]() You tend to enjoy teasing and flaunting much more than actual sex. You're a notorious flirt, and you can pick up anyone you desire. As a result, your reputation is a lot steamier than your real sex life. |
You Are 35% Left Brained, 65% Right Brained |
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
You Are 40% Extrovert, 60% Introvert |
You're a bit outgoing, a bit reserved Like most people, you enjoy being social But you also value the time you have alone You have struck a good balance! |
You Are Somewhat Honest |
You do tend to tell the truth a lot But you also stretch the truth on occasion You figure a little lie isn't a big deal As long as it doesn't hurt anyone too much! |
Your Element Is Water |
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Your EQ is |
50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
Your Love Style is Storge |
![]() And your love tends to be the enduring, long lasting kind (You've been known to still have connections with exes) But sometimes your love is not the most passionate Leap before you look, and you'll find that fire you crave |
You May Be a Bit Borderline ... |
![]() When you're up, you're a little bit crazy... And when you're down, your whole world is crashing Scary thing is, these moods can change by the minute! |
Your True Birth Month Is January |
Social Logical Easily jealous Loves children Rather reserved Highly attentive Likes to criticize Needs close friends Ambitious and serious Smart, neat and organized Hardworking and productive Loves to teach and be taught Quiet unless excited or tensed Sensitive and has deep thoughts Knows how to make others happy Searches for the greatest romance Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds Romantic but has difficulties expressing love Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses |
Your Taste in Music: |
80's Pop: Highest Influence |
90's Pop: Highest Influence |
Heavy Metal: High Influence |
Progressive Rock: Medium Influence |
80's Alternative: Low Influence |
90's R&B: Low Influence |
Dance: Low Influence |
Old School Hip Hop: Low Influence |
You Are Somewhat Honest |
You do tend to tell the truth a lot But you also stretch the truth on occasion You figure a little lie isn't a big deal As long as it doesn't hurt anyone too much! |
Your Hidden Talent |
![]() You're never at a loss to explain what you mean or how you feel. People find it easy to empathize with you, no matter what your situation. When you're up, you make everyone happy. But when you're down, everyone suffers. |
Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate |
![]() You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause. You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you! A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others. |
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it. In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered. |
Your Ideal Relationship is Friends Only |
![]() And you prefer to keep things platonic, for now. That's not to say that one of your friends couldn't be dating material. You're just taking a break for now. |
You Are 20 Years Old |
![]() 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
You Passed the US Citizenship Test |
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You Are a Bloody Mary |
![]() You're a drunk, but a stable drunk. You don't ever let your drinking get out of control. |
Your Career Type: Investigative |
![]() Your talents lie in understanding and solving math and science problems. You would make an excellent: Architect - Biologist - Chemist Dentist - Electrical Technician - Mathematician Medical Technician - Meteorologist - Pharmacist Physician - Surveyor - Veterinarian The worst career options for your are enterprising careers, like lawyer or real estate agent. |
Your Brain's Pattern |
![]() You always amaze your friends by figuring out things first. You're also good at connecting people - and often play match maker. You see the world in fluid, flexible terms. Nothing is black or white. |
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian |
![]() You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place. You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! |
What Your Sleeping Position Says |
You are calm and rational. You are also giving and kind - a great friend. You are easy going and trusting. However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games. |
You Are 55% Addicted to Blogthings |
![]() So what if you know your personality type by heart? And while you may feel like Blogthings is crack... There are people much worse off than you! |
You are Agnostic |
![]() For you, there's no true way to figure out the divine. You rather focus on what you can control - your own life. And you tend to resent when others "sell" religion to you. |
Your Personality Profile |
![]() Always unsatisfied, you constantly try to better yourself. You are also a seeker of knowledge and often buried in books. You tend to be philosophical, looking for the big picture in life. You dream of inner peace for yourself, your friends, and the world. A good friend, you always give of yourself first. |
Halloween Horoscope for Sagittarius |
Halloween is your time to be flirtatious, sexy, and hot hot hot! You love to tempt people into evil, even if it's just for one night. Costume suggestions: A sexy devil or a dark fairy Signature Halloween candy: Anything spiked with booze |
You're a LiveJournal Fiend! |
![]() Still, you've LJ'ed from work - and made posts about what you had for dinner. Sicko! You may be safe from the clutches of LJ - or maybe you're just are an adept liar! |
Your Animal Personality |
![]() Animal You Were in a Past Life: Whale You are active, a challenger, and optimistic. Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal. |
You Are Balanced - Realist - Powerful |
You feel your life is controlled both externally and internally. You have a good sense of what you can control and what you should let go. Depending on the situation, you sometimes try to exert more control. Other times, you accept things for what they are and go with the flow. You are a realist when it comes to luck. You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random. You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you... But you do your best to try to make your own luck. When it comes to who's in charge, it's you. Life is a kingdom, and you're the grand ruler. You don't care much about what others think. But they better care what you think! |
You Should Get a PhD in Liberal Arts (like political science, literature, or philosophy) |
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You Are 50% "Average American" |
![]() You are not average since you don't donate to charity. |
Well, You Know What a Blog Is... |
![]() But, truthfully, most blogs probably bore you. |
Your Eyes Should Be Hazel |
![]() What's hidden behind your eyes: Subtle manipulation |
Your Heart Is Purple |
![]() If it's true love, it brings you more wisdom and inner strength. Your flirting style: Sincere Your lucky first date: An afternoon at a tea house Your dream lover: Is both thoughtful and expressive What you bring to relationships: Understanding |
Your Birth Month is December |
![]() Blessed with a great sense of humor, you can laugh at adversity. Your soul reflects: Celebration, success, and wealth Your gemstone: Blue Topaz Your flower: Narcissus Your colors: Indigo, green, and blue-green |
You Are A Friendly Ex |
![]() (At least that's what you keep telling yourself!) While civility is a good thing, make sure you're not secretly wanting more... |
Your 2005 Song Is |
![]() "Love forever love is free. Let's turn forever you and me." In 2005, you were loving life and feeling no pain. |
You Have a Melancholic Temperament |
![]() Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace. You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life. Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times. At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you. You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others. You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult. |
You Are Pumpkin Pie |
![]() Those who like you are looking for something (someone!) special |
Your Dating Purity Score: 90% |
![]() You're either lacking in dating experience or have had a long serious relationship. Either way, there's still plenty of fish in the sea out there for you to sample! |
You Were a Peacock |
![]() You are able to see the past, present, and future with clarity. |
Your Seduction Style: The Dandy |
![]() Your sexuality is more fluid than that - and you defy labels or categories. It's hard to pin you down, and that's what's fascinating about you. You have the psychology of both a male and a female, and you can relate to anyone. |
You Are an Espresso |
![]() At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping Your caffeine addiction level: high |
You Are a Caramel Crunch Donut |
![]() You've been known to sit around pondering the meaning of life... Or at times, pondering the meaning of your doughnut. To frost or not to frost? To fill or not to fill? These are your eternal questions. |
You Should Be A Gemini |
![]() What's bad about you: you're flighty - losing interest in people and projects quickly In love: you enjoy the "honeymoon phase," but after that it's hard for you to stick around In friendship, you're: likely to have many groups of friends, with many different interests Your ideal job: mime, guru, or cartoonist Your sense of fashion: casual and simple You like to pig out on: fast food, especially burritos |
Your Scholastic Strength Is Developing Ideas |
![]() You are talented at brainstorming, visualizing, organizing, and independent thinking. You should major in: Natural sciences Computer science Creative writing Math Architecture Journalism |
What Your Face Says |
![]() Overall, your true self is reserved and logical. With friends, you seem logical, detached, and a bit manipulative. In love, you seem mysterious and interesting. In stressful situations, you seem cheerful and optimistic. |