
The Mythological Goddess Test

Indeed, you are 75% erudite, 33% sensual, 50% martial, and 54% saturnine.
Another virgin Goddess (Diana or Artemis being the other), Minerva was, just like her Greek counterpart Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and Freedom as well as an all powerful Goddess of War, which made her a most formidable opponent indeed.

Among the many disciplines that fell under her control were: writing, the sciences, architecture, embroidery, and just about anything else dealing with artistic skills, wise counsel, and of course battle and warfare.

Like Athena, owls were considered sacred to Minerva, representing wisdom. She was a very wise warrior, respected by the Roman legions.

She was also, no kidding, the Goddess of Women's Rights and patroness of career women.

The Fifteen Goddesses

These are the 15 categories of this test. If you score above average in ?

?all or none of the four variables: Neit. ? Erudite: Minerva. ? Sensual: Aphrodite. ? Martial: Artemis. ? Saturnine: Persephone. ? Erudite & Sensual: Isis. ? Erudite & Martial: Sekhmet. ? Erudite & Saturnine: Nemesis. ? Sensual & Martial: Hera. ? Sensual & Saturnine: Bast. ? Martial & Saturnine: Ilamatecuhtli. ? Erudite, Sensual & Martial: Maeve. ? Erudite, Sensual & Saturnine: Freya. ? Erudite, Martial & Saturnine: Sedna. ? Sensual, Martial & Saturnine: Macha.

Link: The Mythological Goddess Test
Let's see... #1 match is practically a Roman version of Athena, an "engineer goddess" of war and whatnot, both virgin goddesses. #2 match is Nemesis, a goddess who deals with balance and justice. (Apropos of nothing, I really have to go find more Nemesis The Warlock albums.) #3, Sedna, is a really sad case. I'm lucky I have no reason to identify with her.

The Elemental Balance Test

~ 55% Water ~ 59% Wind ~ 62% Earth ~ 44% Fire ~
And I know and I believe

There's a way out to the sea of happiness

It seems your personality is in perfect harmony; your impulses are tempered with thoughtfulness, and your emotions are balanced with a healthy amount of reason.

In order to maintain that harmony, try wearing a Jade, a Chrysoprase or an Agate; all three enhance balance and stability, as does the Snowflake Obsidian that will help remain balanced during times of change.

In detail: You are more balanced than most people. Your Ground Chakra, (associated with the element of fire and representing our basic desires and driving force), your Creative Chakra, (associated with the element of earth and representing our need to preserve and grow), your Heart Chakra, (associated with the element of water and representing our sense of love and compassion), and your Throat Chakra, (associated with the element of wind and represents our desire to learn and communicate), appear to be on an equal footing with each others.

These are the results you will get if you score highly on...

None of the four elements: Balance Wind: Gust Fire: Blaze Water: River Earth: Valley Wind & Fire: Thunder Wind & Water: Clouds Wind & Earth: Canyon Fire & Earth: Lava Fire & Water: Tornado Water & Earth: Trees Wind, Fire & Earth: Storm Wind, Fire & Water: Stars Wind, Water & Earth: Forest Fire, Water & Earth: Avalanche All four elements: Harmony

Link: The Elemental Balance Test