Which Element Are You?

Wind. You can be a little unsure of yourself at times, but once you're steadied, you provide solid support to those around you. Personality: You're far more muted than any of the others but that isn't a bad thing. Winds might fall behind pace when discovering who they really are, but once you know, you'll be one of the kindest and most caring people someone could ever ask for. One of the reasons it takes you a little longer to find yourself is because you always put others first. Some people might think you're a pushover and you can be a little too trusting. But you just want to find the good in everyone. When you've helped those around you become better or happier people, you'll find your own problems a lot easier to deal with. You'll learn to relate better to yourself once you take your external experiences and apply them internally.
Temper: Honestly? You don't have much of one. When cornered, you tend to pull back and shy from confrontation. However, if you're pushed, your muscles will begin to coil and you'll find your teeth. As soon as an opening presents itself, you'll take it. That means that if people want to get a highly emotional reaction from you, they'll have to push. But it also means that their strategy might blow up in their face when you give them your gut-honest reaction instead the answer they were looking for. People will try and get you to cave in, so remember that just because they're louder doesn't mean they're right. Look to the many people you've helped to remind you just how strong you are.
The Other Elements: Earth: Your elemental opposite. Stay away. Stay far away. Earth is stubborn, emotional, and aggressive. Because they have a tendency to think more about themselves than others, guilt takes a while to catch up with them so don't be surprised if they end up taking advantage of you. Approach with caution. Your trusting nature with make you want to help them, but try steering them towards another element before you tackle the task yourself.
Water: Your elemental equal. You have a lot in common with Wind which makes for smooth and quickly built relationships. Wind and Water are a force to be reckoned with when working together. But because it comes so easy, Water might take it for granted and the relationship can easily become superficial. Keep them ground. When they get a little too caught up with material possessions, remind them what's really important. But keep in mind that Water can help you loosen up and have a litle fun.
Fire: Not your opposite but not your equal either. Like a relationship with those of your own element, relationships with Fire are often hit-or-miss. Fire can be scary at first, but if you stay calm and patient, giving them a chance, you'll recognize the same loyalty in them that you have in yourself. You both have pulled back personalties, but Fire is cautious, not withdrawn. Ask and you can gain invaluable tips on being a bit more assertive.
Which Element Are You? (w/pictures and VERY in-depth answers)
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